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About The6god

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  1. u won my ign is the6god just msg me when u on
  2. im on for a little right now too. message me in game the6god or whats ur name
  3. froakie sold for insta and so did ferroseed
  4. auction ends 24h after 1st bid starting offer 1m min. bid 200k insta 5m cc = 400k rr = 700k nature rr = 350k starting offer 350k min. bid 50k insta 1m starting offer 150k min. bid 20k insta 400k starting offer 150k min. bid 20k insta 400k starting offer 600k min. bid 100k insta 1.5m starting offer 150k min. bid 20k insta 400k
  5. starting offer 500k min. bid 100k accept cc's as 400k iv rerolls 700k nature reroll 350k auction ends 48h after first bid. insta 1.2m sold insta ferroseed starting bid 400k min. bid 50k insta 1m
  6. s.o 500k s.o 500k 48h auction after first bid insta will be added later
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