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Everything posted by Kozart

  1. Re: No more Hiatus X Hiatus <t>Hopefully nothing goes wrong this time, lol.</t>
  2. Since you don't have to make a new account and igns are account based. I'm guessing even though the servers aren't tied together at all, the name rooster isn't really "fresh" so you can't take common names?
  3. Haha, I guess you can never escape massive RNG in free to play MMOs.
  4. Does anyone feel some Pokemons are just a little too rare? I haven't gotten that far yet but when I wanted to find Pokemons like Abra, Electabuzz, Staryu they seem absurdly rare. As a casual player, it's a little disappointing to have to spend 30 minutes if I'm lucky, to an hour, sometimes even more to find a Pokemon I'd like to have. I can't imagine the time spent needed to find these Pokemons with perfect iv and nature for competitive play which is kind of a turn off for end game. Especially without breeding, this is a lot more rough than the handheld. At the same time I can kind of understand because it's a MMO and they don't want to make things too easy. What are you thoughts? Is it fine the way it is?
  5. Kozart

    Cant login

    Know that when the server is full, queue can be from 10-25 minutes. As long as you see logging in fade away, you will have to wait. If you restart the client you're just making yourself wait longer.
  6. Did you guys even read what I just typed xD
  7. Kozart

    Cant login

    Just wait after the logging in disappears. You'll get in eventually, it's an invisible queue.
  8. Copying from my answer to another topic "For anyone who is experiencing this problem. Just patiently wait. I believe there is a queue even if the capacity says otherwise it just isn't updated. Either that or the load takes very long. Just make sure you see logging in disappear. Do not restart your client or else you're just restarting your queue."
  9. For anyone who is experiencing this problem. Just patiently wait. I believe there is a queue even if the capacity says otherwise it just isn't updated. Either that or the load takes very long. Just make sure you see logging in disappear. Do not restart your client or else you're just restarting your queue.
  10. Bid Until - March 11th Friday 11:59pm PST Starting at 100k
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