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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Bump
  2. Put prices on stuff. There may be discrepancies with the clef/slows/swablu prices as there was quite alot, so there might be worse off, for more money.
  3. Selling some untrained/ev trianed/few trained pokes from some hunting. Check out This shop for more level 100 pokemon Accept cc - 470k iv reroll 500k nat reroll - 250k Contacts - Discord - cattybandit in game - cattybandit/gothilga availability - 1800 GMT +0 - 2230 GMT+0 for all days. I am free early on some days aswell but can discuss then if required Absol Aegislash (pre evo) Aero Azumaril (and evos) Blacephalon Carbink Charm Clefable (and evo) Darmanitan Florges (evo) Ferrothorn Flygon Galvantula Houndour Kadabra karrablast Kingdra lampent mantyke pineco poliwag riolu rotom scyther slowpoke/slowbro/slowking spinda Swablu/altaria treecko (and evos) tyranitar (and evos) tyranitrum 1 ursaring volcarona
  4. Wartortle insta (I mis read the question, but buyer still wanted to buy)
  5. Note This is not a bundle PINSIR, AZUMARIL have a duration of 48 hours after start bid Accept cc as 400k, iv reroll as 500k and $ only. s.o pinsir 1.5m / Insta 3.5m / Min bid 100k / duration of 48 hours after start bid S.o azumaril 1.1m / insta 2.3m / min bid 50k / duration of 48 hours after start bid
  6. You guys won, contact me discord preferably, cattybandit
  7. it is available sorry i only trade on silver
  8. mankey just sold, clone char is already waiting to be sold rest is ok
  9. im online rn
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