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About Csinnott7

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  1. PRO Username: CSinnott7 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? I asked the help chat in game. They directed me to forums. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Asked in help chat? Lol Description and Message Dear PRO Developers, I accidentally released my lvl 88 Magneton with epic stats Dx. The pokemon ID number is 10127053. Not sure what else you need but I tried to get rid of a pidgeotto but accidentally dragged the magneton over distracted Dx. Sorry for the inconvenience to you guys, hopefully you can help. Thanks anyways and hope you have a great day, CSinnott7
  2. I need red money sorry :/
  3. Hey I'd be willing to get you coins for Blue. Let me know, not too sure how to use this forum...Lol
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