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Everything posted by Kebren
Spiritomb was offered on auction starting at 50k. Was sold at 170k. I am sorry it was so quick...
Ok, If I don't get more offers for Spiritomb by tomorrow, it's yours.
Make you offers, please. More pokemons coming soon! Timid Lvl.93 Jolteon Starts at 200k (Shiny) Lonely Lvl.88 Dugtrio starts at 120k (Shiny) Quirky Lvl.35 Tentacruel Starts at 100k Careful Lvl.31 Happiny Starts at 100k Quiet Lvl.5 Eeevee Starts at 100k Sassy Lvl.12 Spiritomb Starts at 50k [glow=red]SOLD FOR 170K[/glow] Naive Lvl.15 Misdreavus Starts at 50k Timid Lvl.14 Litwick Starts at 50k Adamant Lvl.5 Hitmonchan Starts at 50k
I am making this video to show anyone who wants to fight Red and has no idea what pokemons he will use, in which order, and what attacks. I mean, I had no idea Mega-Charizard Y would use tackle lol... [bbvideo=1280,720] [/bbvideo]
Well usually you can only get a decent pay from good iv's or high levels (or both). If you have lvl 50 pokemons with bad iv's I doubt you can sell them for anything worth selling them. Maybe as much as 30k if they are good pokemons. If you have lvl 100 pokemons, then even if they have bad iv's you can sell them for people who just needs them to beat Sabrina or the elite4. But even then they won't go as high as 70k unless they have decent ivs or rare pokemons. as they said before, there is no formula to find out, you just have an idea. It's like common sense. Also, you can sell low level pokemon with good, great or epic iv's at good prices, even more if they are rare. I sold a Litwik with great iv's for 100k. So, it can be more rewarding to sell low lvl pokes with good iv's than selling high level trash pokes.
Thank you very much, really appreciate it I've always had membership. So , I don't know if that is true. Other people have also told me you need membership. I don't know.
Defeat the elite 4, then go to Vermilion City and there is a NPC that can take you there. He is right outside of the SS.Ane
Yes, make it so difficult that getting mew would seem easy. Like having I don't know 400hours of game play, and having a specific pokemon in your team with specific nature, and doing many chain quests all the way to the point where you can attempt to catch the legendary. If ti takes you a month it wouldn't seem too difficult. After all, even if it is banned from PvP, I wouldn't like seen people with legendaries following them everywhere. It should be rare, unlike mew which I've seen up to 3 different people at the same time. It takes away the magic of seen mew.
Ehm. NO. It is playable. Please when criticizing use valid reasoning, not just emotional wording that creates a fuss. Yes the game could be improved. Yes, there is a grind before Sabrina, and the Elite 4. But that is normal in a MMO, specially a game like Pokemon where you usually could finish it within 1 week. I say it should be made more difficult. You have a point on the leveling, but the leveling system is different than you think. here there is a scaling experience yield. so, you level up faster than other games when fighting your own level, but slower when fighting really low levels (than you would on other games). This is created to make the game faster at first, but slower in higher levels. I think it was planed. Maybe they should add a lvl 40 to 50 area after giovanni. Like giving access to Sevii Islands before elite 4. Then you could level up more, but that doesn't follow the story mode, since you are supposed to go there after you become a champion.
I do like that you worry about the easiness of the game. In a time when most games become easier and easier to target a broader audience it is annoying to even find a decent game for those of us who like to dedicate a lot of time to one game. However, I don't think it is that easy to level up. In fact, I think it would take more than 5 days to get to lvl 100 to someone who works full time, or studies full time, and has other things to do. If you think of people who does neither or who does work/study full time but dedicates more than 7 hours a day to play the game, then it's obvious they are going to reach lvl 100 at a rate 2, 3 or 4 times faster. But, they didn't do it in a shorter period of time, they just played more hours a day. Maybe someone who only plays 2 hours a day is more efficient than someone who plays 5, just because they concentrate and use all available resources, and someone who plays 5 needs to eat, and read emails while playing (for example) just because he/she wanted to play more hours. In any case, the game could be a little harder, but it is already at a very ideal pace. It is harder than most pokemon games already. With the option of not switching pokemons during battle, makes training much more harder, and no exp.share, no macho brace (or is it? not sure) or any help to increase shiny encounter rate. There are many ways in which this game makes it harder and rewarding.
There should be a way to get each legendary, but be limited for players to get. Plus make it really difficult. For example, owning certain pokemons. One example, You could get Suicune by owning a Jolteon, a Flareon and a Bold/Calm Shiny Vaporeon. Then you go to the tower, defeat Ho-oh. You must have all 3 pokemon fainted, and make sure to have 1 empty slot in your team, so you would have to fight Suicune with 2 pokemons, and capture it. After you capture it you lose the 3 eeveelutions (so they can't be sold to obtain the suicune again) After that Suicune will be your pokemon for the next few months.
The happiness resets on every traded pokemon. Not a bug. The experience bar goes down because an evolved pokemon requires more experience. And, the reason it didn't evolved the first 2 attempts is because it went directly to the PC. You need to have enough space in your team to get the pokemon in your team, so that you can get the option to evolve or not.
PRO Username: kebren Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Download the Android version. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Nothing Description and Message I would like to know if it is possible to play PRO on my amazon tablet (Kindle Fire HD - 3rd Generation). I get to install it as Android but when loading the game it gets closed when it's almost done downloading fashionable items data. Is it entirely incompatible or should I try something else? Thank you
Nothing special. I just tried again. after 2 or 3 updates.
I would like to inform that the game runs on Samsung Grand Prime now too! and really smooth
MEGA GENGAR! [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
This skill hasn't been working. There is another post on this but no Admin reply. please work on this as it shouldn't be too much. Some skills just need to be fixed so the strategy of the game stays like in the originals. Nightmare doesn't have any effect.
Oh, so that's why. It's a good phone, It's a shame it doesn't make the cut. It has a wide screen T.T Ok thank you soo much!
Well, as I said the reason I wonder this is because the Grand Prime is a decent phone and it doesn't run the game. If you told me there is a specific reason why it doens't work in the GP, then I would feel better about S7 xd
PRO Username: kebren Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hi. I couldn't find a better forum to ask a question about this. I was wondering if it is possible to know if the game will run in the new Samsung Galaxy S7 or the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. I know the game runs well in most Android phones with the right specifications. But since the Grand Prime phones cannot run the game, it creates a concern, even tho Grand Primes are relatively good gaming phones. Would somebody in the developing team help me on this? Because I would like to get the S7 Edge or the S7, but If I jump from Grand Prime to another phone that cannot play the game I would be really disappointed. Thank you :Frown:
Me too, where are we supposed to send this reports? This is one of the 6 I have.
Re: Members get priority in queue <t>It could work if there was 2 Queue waiting lists. One for donors and one for non-donors. That way, Donors would get a nice boost, but there will be still non-donors joining the game before them. Say Donor waiting list has 100 people, and non-donor has 300 people, then if a donor queues in he would join after 200 players, 100 donors and 100 non-donors.</t>
Great I had to buy a Grand Prime... I feel so discriminated now that I know it only happens to a minority lol. Is there any update on how and when this is going to get fixed? Is there a way users of this phone can help you?
Happened 8 times to me too. I've been trying to play for the last 5 hours and 45 minutes. And at most I must have played 25 minutes. It IS ridiculous. I am already upset. And you must realize I am very patient I have waited many hours and a few times when I come back the waiting list had disappeared, which means I had to start all over again 800 people in front of me again and again and again. This doesn't happen to my friends and I have a faster internet and a better computer. The worst is that the error message doesn't explain at all what's happening. It's just a simple crash, and it drives me crazy :/