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Everything posted by Junix94

  1. Bump new pokemons added.. just ctr(keyboard control) + scroll up or down to zoom to see better
  2. Re: WTS gligar adamat epic <r><QUOTE author="Agony099"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry already sold</r>
  3. Re: WTB Epic Pokemons (see thread) <r>my gligar <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/GJABBQu.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  4. New added. Mininum offer is: 15k. Just leave your offer :) just ctr(keyboard control) + scroll up or down to zoom to see better
  5. Re: WTS Ursaring perfect <r><QUOTE author="Kakoi"><s> </e></QUOTE> already sold sorry</r>
  6. WTS Rhyhorn 31atk 23spd <t>Nature: Adamant<br/> Ability: Rock Head<br/> <br/> ATK:31<br/> DEF:22<br/> SPD:23<br/> <br/> current offer 42k</t>
  7. solved
  8. offer starts 20k :) insta buy 80k :) will be selling in game too
  9. [imgsold
  10. "The account is not banned" For sure he is not banned because i logged in his account in my computer and i can safely play it.. But in his laptop he can't play.. im sure it is about his I.P address that is I.P blocked automatically... Although we have a same internet provider but i am using a DSL one that connects to lan and him is using called ULTERA a wlan plan
  11. Bump!!
  12. Hello.. :D he is my friend .. actually it's his first time in the game he just created an account and never before log in and I even created an account of him because of the client keep saying "banned from PRO" but when I do log in his account I can play.. I think it has something to do with I.P block with our internet providers.. because he has dynamic I.P he should be able to connect whenever it changes I.P.. i doubt they I.P block I.Ps starting with 121. ??
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