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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Sorry it isnt i will update it
  2. Can be closed then
  3. Thank you i will change it asap
  4. Wtb rare shinies, starters and other t8-t9. Please do not hesitate to pm me. Placed to buying pokes :)
  5. This is the wishlist that I have made for myself, please do not hesitate to pm me on forum or on discord. In case you have other ''godly'' pokes, also then do not hesitate to pm me. Wtb rare shinies as well like, starters and other t8-t9. Please do not hesitate to pm me. 1. Magic Guard HP ice Timid Alakazam 26+ speed +20 2. Contrary HP Fire Timid Serperior 28+ speed +20 3. Regenerator Bold Alomomola 22+ ivs 4. Chlorophyll HP Fire Whimsicott 28+ speed +20 5. Mold Breaker Jolly Excadrill 31 speed +20 6. Rough Skin jolly Garchomp 31 speed +20 7. Regenerator HP Fire Sassy Tangrowth +20 8. Regenerator HP Fire Bold Amoongus +20 9. Poison Heal Careful Gliscor +20 10. Speed Boost Scolipede 31 speed +20 11. Multiscale Adamant Dragonite 31 speed +20 12. Pure Power Jolly Medicham 31 speed +20 13. Blaze/Iron Fist HP Ice Infernape 26+ speed +20 14. Unaware Calm/Bold Clefable 27+ 15. Technician Adamant Scizor 31 speed +20 16. Sturdy Impish Skarmory 25+ 17. Limber Jolly Lopunny 31+ speed +20 18. Sap Sipper Calm Goodra 24+ 19. Sheer Force Jolly Feraligatr 28+ speed +20 20. Guts Adamant Conkelldur 25+
  6. Nice dragonite you selling goodluck :)
  7. can be closed, i will sell it ingame
  8. 500k then
  9. 350k
  10. tyranitar sold ingame :)
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