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Posts posted by Seavvaves

  1. Food: Sushi (Nigiriiiiiiii :Heart: ) & Pizza of course (I can eat every type of pizza, love it so much),

    but there's alot more but Im too lazy to type it here.

    Drink: It depends, if alcohol I really pref Whisky/Wine/Beer.

    Im from country where vodka is almost like water for people, but I hate this s***.

    If normal then Nestea Mango/Tea :Heart: and I really like Coffee with milk.

  2. Treat this post as if it were a game in [glow=red]Alpha or Pre-Alpha[/glow] this post is here to work out the kinks and make a better system. If players are just going to complain and say the system sucks without providing suggestions I suggest you just keep your post to yourself. As those types of posts are not productive in making the system better.



    And also I agree with that 100%

  3. Hello there, welcome to PRO. (Witaj :High_Five: )

    Remember to check out our forum guides.

    If there's any problem or You got some questions feel free to PM me here on ingame (Blue Server)

    You can also ask for help on Help Chat in-game, we have really nice community. :Heart:


    Enjoy the game, goodluck.

  4. It's called bandwidth issue, too many people trying to login/reach queue in the same time when server is full.

    Switching to Blue Server is a good idea if You dont have alot of progress on Red or if you just want to play on Blue, it depends.

    Anyway if 'Logging in' shows up and then disappears you are placed in something called 'Ghost Queue' just wait patiently because probably you will be logged.

    There is other way too, just keep restarting your client till normal queue.


    Blue Server is fine atm, insta login.

    The biggest Q noticed by me is something around 100 players so, 1min and you are ingame.

  5. No prob, it's a bandwidth issue, too many players trying to reach Q in same time when server is full.

    Most of the time this happens on Red Server, only sometimes on Blue.

    Second server helped abit with that but how you noticed it's still here.

  6. 123545 PRO Username: Quad

    Do you have active membership?: No

    Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    Fixed account by having it activated by a dev


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?



    Description and Message

    i recently had to fix my account because the verification email did not send and now that its fixed i can log into the website but when i try to go onto the actual game i type in my account info and it says connecting then logging in and nothing happens. The 'Logging In' just disappears and never brings up the joining queue.


    Reinstall Your client, if this wont help after 'Logging in' just wait patiently, probably You will be placed in 'Ghost Queue' and anyway You will log into the game.




    You can keep restarting client and trying to reach normal queue.

  7. Enough experienced players could make topic like this but, its pretty long and all the time changing process.

    When I see people who want to sell poke for 10, 20 or even 50k (Maybe it's not that much but it's too much) with totally wrong nature and pretty bad IV's, not even close to good main stats and they think someone will buy it because poke got 31 or 30 somewhere.

    Im just feeling bad for them. :Frown:

    This kind of people need alot of time to figure things out, they are too lazy to research things and they probably wont reach topics like your proposition.


    Anyway, it's VERY nice idea imo.

  8. 123437 PRO Username: NitroBorn

    Do you have active membership?: No

    Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    I brought membership on red and spent 100 hours on it then decided to move over to blue which is when I realised I had to buy membership again on another server and so, I brought membership by buying coins and activating the med


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?

    Relogging, relogging and relogging.


    Description and Message

    Please respond quickly.



    I bought my yesterday and activated it without any problems, maybe just wait.

  9. 123126 PRO Username: gi34gi

    Do you have active membership?: Yes

    Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


    What have you done before the problem was there?



    What have you already tried to solve the problem?



    Description and Message

    Why i can't use the Mount go to bike area?

    someone said it can use it to go, so i buy a Mount,

    after i buy it, i can't use it to go the bike area. :Cry:



    I was wondering about this today.

    I asked on help and You need bike too for sure.

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