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About Kandarp

  • Birthday 08/04/1994

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  1. in game name : kandarp discord : kandarp408#0532
  2. hello i want to evolve my tyrouge into hitmontop and i read in pro wiki that i need same atk stat and def stat so i want to know that how much ev = 1 iv at any lvl my tyrouge is lvl 20 and he have this stat atk 22 iv 18 def 20 iv 07 so how much ev can i train to make def = to atk so that he can evolve into hitmontop
  3. ign : kandarp
  4. for how much
  5. want to buy 2 cc for 270k ea in game id : kandarp pm
  6. tnx u
  7. jet ski surf mount ms 30 day
  8. thank u it was helpful
  9. thxs alot
  10. Hello i want to know that is Jet ski better or Surf mount and how much it can cost in poke dollar
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