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Everything posted by Notaccountable

  1. Re: ▲Inferno BlaZe▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <t>IGN: NotAccountable<br/> Fav type/Poke: fire/ Greninja<br/> Objective: To have fun<br/> Hours: 240 hours<br/> Reason: Seems like a lot of people which I like and from what I hear most people are nice so thats a good a reason as any</t>
  2. Ghastly, just make his little ghostly trail a trail of Christmas presents and ornaments
  3. [image]https://imgur.com/wubhk3C.jpg[/image] Here are just some of my catches, post here for offers there can be some really cheap ones and even really expensive. Stay tuned for updates
  4. I understand all of your responses and critique. I am sorry if I sounded as if I was ranting, its not like im some cry baby that cant try different things because I dont want to. However I feel kinda solo'd out now. From a development of a video games perspective you always want the main ramp up for most of your players to be near the end thus feeling something achievable has been done and conquered. Does no one here see my point to spending endless hours (20+) to rework your whole team for something that is not even the elite four? As the beta testers we help shape the game and I think its surprising that no one is sorta agreeing with me even partially here. I know tons of people got stuck on separate parts being difficult to face and what not, but getting stuck at this point in the game is kind of ridiculous for a player who is then forced to make major changes and feel like they lose a lot of the progress they have made. I love the game in general I just think this part should be toned down a bit.
  5. I totally understand that usually strategy surpasses strength within a certain gap and that there should be easy ways to win if you exploit that. I am really trying to run home the fact that at that point in the game its too difficult. The reason why in competitive its all about strategy in keeping the sweeper alive and healthy, but remember thats when we as the players are not limited to the pokemon in our party or move list we are available to. However as you can easily see in the story mode we are clearly limited to the options of which we have. We can only catch a certain type of pokemon in certain areas. As of right now we realistically can only train our pokemon to a certain point and we are most certainly limited to the amount of moves we are available to. Only in Jhoto will we get the surpluss of options and since we are limited to all these things I dont think strategy should be the main focus at this point. However if they do want to focus on strategy then it is imperative that we as the users should have more options to use our creativity and stratigically plan to how we want and not how were expected to
  6. That magnamite with thunderwave and sturdys not a bad idea ill try it
  7. Yea no sturdy for magnazone, sturdys bad for competitive use since Magnetic pull keeps a pokemon from switching out which is why i have it on him. But in any other case it has enough bulkiness to take some hits if it werent against a fire type. yea but it doesnt mean charizard has levitate. Dig only will not work if they are actually off the ground.
  8. Well I used it 8 times until it said it was maxed so idk about the average max stacks, it could just be a bug. Still the Point is that its Max speed which im trying to emphasize. I have dig on my Charizard just to throw on a ground move for him and it does about half the damage to Blains Charizard as his air cutter does to me. My Charizard has great IVs and attack/def/SPATK trained evs. But I would need to catch a good rock type, train it to 65+ to be relevant and that just shouldn't be the case for the second to last gym leader. from a game making perspective its a too difficult.
  9. Well again I would no doubt use status conditions on him but both seadra and Magnazone get 1 hit by Charizard who ALWAYS goes first. The max out speed is just to explain how this Charizard must be coded with like over 400 speed. So since my pokemon die in 1-2 hits what can I do?
  10. I think this game is awesome and ive been having so much fun playing it this past week but GMs please read this because its pretty important. Some of the gyms are hard... and I get that. You dont want a game to be too easy for those hardcore fans that want to play competitively. HOWEVER... this Gym battle with Blain isnt just hard, ITS IMPOSSIBLE. For starters let me explain my team Seadra lvl 70 Gyarados lvl 55 Gyarados lvl 45 Charizard lvl 63 Magnazone lvl 65 Gengar lvl 64 Now Seadra two hits each of them with surf or hydro pump. Blains Charizard 1 hits him with air cutter so I spammed Dragon dance on his second pokemon 8 TIMES to MAX OUT my seadra's speed and attack and Charizard STILL BEAT MY SPEED. Im sorry guys but for a pokemon thats supposed to be my same level without holding an item CANNOT BEAT OUT A MAX SPEED SEADRA. This isnt just hard its literally impossible.
  11. Re: Client stuck on "checking map updates" <t>I am also having the same issue, but I have some useful information for all those that have it.<br/> <br/> 1) if you were logged on an hour or two ago and you havent logged off yet then you might be fine.<br/> <br/> 2) I have PRO on multiple devices with multiple operating systems all updated at different working times and all of them are having the exact same issue. This is most likeley related to something on the server side of PRO. Meaning that they released something on their server that we are unable to get for whatever reason. <br/> <br/> Since the first thing we do is connect to the server to check for updates the client is idling because its simply waiting to find something that probably isnt there yet resulting in sitting there forever until it gets what it wants.<br/> <br/> TLDR: FIX -- Wait for the gms to understand what they did was wrong and fix it. <br/> <br/> please reply with thoughts, this is just my most educated guess on the issue as im just a player.</t>
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