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About Chellz

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  1. Sorry but this shop is out of order for now since >offline< isn't playing anymore for now
  2. yes pm me ingame or on discord please.
  3. bump.
  4. Did you read the Shop Rules? making an exception this time because you didn`t choose the milotic.
  5. there are actually 2 milotics - wich one are u looking for?
  6. thanks for mentioning that. I´ll correct it asap. :)
  7. Shop Rules are mentioned in the header take a look :)
  8. Fighting
  9. officially open :)
  10. OFFERS WILL LAST 48 HOURS AFTER START - MINIMUM BID STEPS OF 50k Trained Pokémons [spoiler= ] 220k s.o. 450k 230k s.o. 500k 265k s.o 400k sold. 290k s.o. 350k s.o. 330k s.o. 250k 190k 300k s.o. 2.4m c.o. 1.8m s.o 300k 270k 240k (Item not included!) sold. 200k 120k s.o. 600k 230k Untrained Pokémons [spoiler= ]coming soon.
  11. In-Game Name: Chellz Discord Tag: Chellz#8325 Server: Gold Server How often do you use Discord? Everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? There isn't a lot to say here. Maybe a patch log channel so one could have a better overlook about the changes.. Otherwise it's a very well made and good moderated channel imo
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