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Posts posted by Thatkool

  1. I struggled a couple days ago. He wrecked my whole team with his Raichu. However, I trained a sandshrew up to 26 and challenged him again. Once he took out his Raichu, I swapped to a poke with intimidate. Then swapped back and forth two more times to get the intimidate on him. Afterwards, I let my Pokemon die and swapped to Sandshrew and rocked him.

  2. What's your IGN?


    How many hours do you have in PRO?


    Do you have discord?

    Yes, thatkool #3041

    How far are you in story?

    En route to Fuchsia City

    How active are you in PRO?

    I try to play daily since I've started

    Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both?

    I enjoy both but I haven't tried PVP on PRO yet.

    Why do you want to join Calamity guild?

    I'm looking for a nice community to get involved with because it's always more fun to play together.

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