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About Watersplash

  • Birthday 12/29/1991

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  1. woa, thats pretty nice! and i'm sitting here struggling with stick figures :confused: cheers!
  2. will be implemented once they get a more stable server, its in Dev to do list this would be really cool :Smile:
  3. thanks for this guide, really helpful!
  4. aaaaaww shiiiiet :( FeelsBadMan
  5. my brother had the same issue and didnt receive an email just try to login every now and then, maybe it will suddenly just work like it did with my brothers account
  6. oh dang, i searched in the suggestion topic, but couldnt find anything :S
  7. the game deserves a sweet little mouse cursor, that fits more as the normal windows cursor :) just a small thing, but i would like that! Cheers!
  8. Thanks for your answer! Glad to hear about that :) You guys do an awesome job! Think I'm gonna get MS soon, you guys deserve it :) Cheers!
  9. Would be nice, if you could change your hairstyle and color (maybe even eyes/skin color?) for a small cost :) Cheers!
  10. thanks for your answer! i wanted to play on blue once its open.. but i didnt know i have to start over. but i think i will do. so you just cleared 2 questions :) tyvm, cheers!
  11. Hey Guys! I'm new to the game, used the search tool but didnt find a thread for this topic. I would like to know, if there's some kind of a barber in the game, which lets me change my haircut and color. Cheers!
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