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About Like4ghost

  • Birthday 04/22/1999

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  1. Re: How to Fast LV UP <r>tnx for the post <E>:y:</E></r>
  2. Dude we are all pokemon child hood players (most of us) we dont have a reason to scam our on people ^_^ enjoy the game :y:
  3. Welcom, have a good time in the game :Angel: :y:
  4. Looking Good :y:
  5. it will be possible?
  6. Re: Kxrizmuh's EV/ Level Training Daycare <t>im sry for the wired ques, but it train them while im off-line?</t>
  7. try to download the right client once more (to match the bits for example {64/32}) then restarting your computer. or enter the game while in the logging screen, re-power your internet (off;on) then restart the game. GL :y:
  8. try to wait like one more day, if it still dont work just send the suppp team email/letter with your req. hope it helped :Angel:
  9. have fun with the game and you always welcome ^_^
  10. Yep having the same problem
  11. Re: Loading Map <r><QUOTE author="riccatt"><s> </e></QUOTE> To jump the problem:<br/> 1. Disconnect from internet<br/> 2. Open the game and wait for the login page<br/> 3. Reconnect internet<br/> 4. Play<e> </e></QUOTE> tnx man it helped ^_^</r>
  12. :thanks: :Angel:
  13. hey, so im trying to put gif here and.... i just cant put it. so i have the adress of the gif but what do i put in [] ? tnx
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