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  1. That's just the logic. NisseP
  2. You can use rock slide as a placeholder for some pokes.
  3. Azulaa

    Ǥods And Ƙarps

    Okay i'll be waiting :Grin: :thanks:
  4. Azulaa

    Ǥods And Ƙarps

    Application IGN: ThatOneGuyYouC Hours played: 423 h Like helping others: Yes, i love the thank you i get at the end of the conversation :D Why should i be in your guild: I am addicted to thank you's, In the original game i tried beating the game with a karp and failed. And i am lonely :Cry: ... Ty! For reading!!! Edit: I am active, i play everyday and i have mew and celebi caught so not new. Edit2: I am from Belgium, Europe. So i might be on a different time schedule than some other people.
  5. That's normal. It's just some server instability. When the server reboots it will be alright.
  6. I didn't have one on my atm. Relogging fixed it though.
  7. I was surfing in the Johto Safari. Then the time expired while i was surfing. Then i was teleported to the Safari Lounge but still in surf position. I couldn't move. Couldn't use a bike/mount. Hope this gets fixed. Thanks for reading ! (I tried to explain it as well as i could) P.S. [APP]Einstein was notified.
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