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  1. Well a lot of MMO are certainly very grindy but MMO and grind are not synonyms. My point is that the experience system is very counter intuitive and leads you to do absurd things. I'm sure there is a solution to keep to game hard (remember that i'm not asking to make the game easier), but in a more elegant way than the one who kind of push you to never evolve your pokemons.
  2. I just don't know if it's intentional or not. In my opinion something should be done, delaying the evolution in order to optimize the experience curve is not a good game design choice.
  3. This system is an aberration, the amount of experience needed to gain a level has always been to same regardless of the evolution stage the pokemon is in. So a squirtle and a wartortle need the same amount of exp to reach level 20 from level 19 in the originals games. The generation V exp system was different but just for the exp gain in combat. In gen V if a pokemon win against an pokemon with a lower level, the exp will be reduced proportionally to the lvl difference. And that's the only change. The way experience is handled actually is really unhealthy for the game. I understand that pokemon revolution online is mean to be harder than the original games but this doesn't seem to be the right way to do it. I should be keeping my ghastly until level 98 if i want to exp faster ? Just seems like nonsense and in no way faithful to the original. I recommend everyone who doubt what i'm saying to check the bulbapedia article about the experience system in the pokemon games.
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