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About Seregonronin

  • Birthday 05/20/1986

Personal Information

  • Career
    Anthropomorphic Pokemon Enthusiast
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  • Occupation
    Casual Pokemon Collector

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  1. Ok sweet! Thanks guys.
  2. Good day Pokefans! I have a question; or rather, a group of questions, for those of you who have been playing this game for a while and have a little more experience and understanding. First, I have only been playing for a few days and have just defeated LT Surge. My situation is this: I read up on IVs and EVs the other day and I think I let it go to my head. Should I even be worrying about that stuff now, catching multiple PKs to try to get a "good one", or should I just play the game and get through the 4 regions? Is EV training only really important in PVP? Is it only going to matter for "end game content"? Will I be missing out if I don't do it from the start? So many questions similar to these are floating through my brainbox that it is keeping me from enjoying the game for what it is. Please help me make sense of this new world that I have discovered called "EV training"...
  3. I've never really used Gyrados all that much. Is he really that boss?
  4. So I can no catch em all?
  5. Arcanine is always gonna be one of my all time favorites. I also really like Greninja w/protein. Fun fun! ;)
  6. OMG, thank you for that! That was driving me crazy. It's been a while since I have played the OGs... Not even sure if it's in the same place? Thanks again. :)
  7. I was actually wondering the same thing. I heard that they are treated as "raid" bosses seeing that it's an MMO. Not too sure though.
  8. So this is my first post here. I just wanted to put my feet out to test the waters. My name is Ronin and I am brand new to PRO (and forums). I joined the Discord as well. First off, this game is awesome! It's clean, updated graphics and gameplay make it brand new all over again! :) I just got to Cerulean City and am currently taking on Nugget Bridge. Gotta level my Budew!! The only bad thing that I've run into is the server issues. I keep getting kicked and can't relog. I'm not sure if there is an update or something being patched or whatever (again, new)? But, even with that, the game is great! :D Are there any guides specifically for the PRO version of the game (non PVP-not ready for that yet)? I would like to know what's available to do within PRO to get everything out of it that I can. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for creating this wonderful gaming experience for me and many, many others!
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