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Posts posted by Inlelad

  1. Hello , my name is Inle, I'm 17 years old.


    What is your IGN?


    My IGN is Inlelad


    What is your Discord?




    How old are you?


    I am 17 years old.


    How many hours do you have?


    I have 100 hours but im already experimented (have other account).


    How much of a interest do you have in PvP on a scale of 1-10 (1 being very weak, 10 being very strong)?


    10 , i farm a lot for the pvp.


    Do you know the difference between IV's and EV's (Just a Yes or No)?




    Do you know Pokemon Showdown? If yes, What is your IGN on Showdown?


    Yes , my IGN on showdown is Inle45.


    Which Pokemon is your favorite in general(Could be for design, stats, whatever reason :] )?


    I like diggersby for his design , attack stats with huge power !


    Which Pokemon is your favorite for PvP?


    My favorite pokemon for PvP is Helioptile or diggersby.


    Thanks for reading this message, have a nice day !

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