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Everything posted by Leesinscrub

  1. Looking for a guild 16badges 170 hours ... dont know what else to put
  2. Re: Diabo123's Shop | | Good pokes <t>ill put 120k bid on the final snover</t>
  3. 180k highest bid to arnie https://i.imgur.com/Phf4bsL.png
  4. no ev's applies 000 all the way down ivs atk 29 def 21 spd 30 spatk 30 sodef 12 hp 09 nature- serious ability- rock head lvl 40 ( so my laptop print screen button is for show i guess...) edit. https://imgur.com/S4lximJ nvm we fixed it auction will end Friday 4am CST i reserve the right to reject any offers insta buyout of 1million
  5. How did you resend the email? i cant see the option anywhere? go through the registration proccess again you can have up to 2 acounts on 1 email so resending for same account doesnt "stack" what i had to do
  6. Once you see the logging in disaper just tab out it could take 5 mins but you position in Que will eventually pop up
  7. Ok for alot of people this game is still in its beta so please be patient of these issues i promise it will be worth the wait but i have found i try to connect 3 times if it doesnt connect i close PRO then reopen and repeat it could take 5=15 mins but it will eventually work
  8. I had the same problem i would recomed re sending the email without ad block i have no idea why that worked but it worked for me
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