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Everything posted by Abhbit

  1. If i may ask, what kind of email do you use?
  2. Facade is a tm move, Ice fang is an egg move, and wild charge it should learn at level 63
  3. What were you trying to teach it?
  4. This is true, as that line only learns sludge bomb via TM i believe. Sludge bomb is one of those awkward moves that you would think alot of things get by level up, but actually learn by TM. Edit: Of the 152 pokemon that learn sludge bomb, only the following 12 learn it by level up: Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Weezing, Gulpin, Swalot, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Trubbish, Garbodor, Skrelp, and Dragalge
  5. Try checking your spam, and yes, as i mentioned in posts above, you may have to manually search for it.
  6. I am actually using gmail, just so you are aware. And the "junk" and "spam" folders are actually separate in gmail. For me, the spam folder is actually hidden and i have to search for it manually rather than it being listed with the others. Not sure how icloud mail works, but it could be similar.
  7. For me verifying my account let me login to the game. Try checking your spam folder. If you can't find it, then search "spam" in the search bar. It should come up if its not in your actual inbox.
  8. I am actually having the same issue. I just downloaded the client about 20 minutes ago, so it shouldn't be out-dated. There was a queue time, which is now gone and i have repeatedly tried closing/opening/logging in to the client. Is the server completely full or something?
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