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  1. reasonable price to sell
  2. how to convert ? [ATTACH type=full" alt="156068]156068[/ATTACH]
  3. c.o 1m7 :D
  4. Close plsssssss
  5. Sorry, started 2m5 finish 5m 2 day
  6. I will correct it
  7. bắt đầu 2m5
  8. Idpokemon: 31765237 Name: nhoksim123123
  9. They gave me a reroll ticket but I want it back to RAIkou HP Ice
  10. here After theise reverted to normal, my raikou had not used the reroll ticker
  11. This is the image before sever gold die After I logged back in, it was back to the way it was, could you help me?
  12. iDgame:nhoksim123123
  13. I have npc display error in village 6
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