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Everything posted by Arya08

  1. I'm sending you a message,
  2. Heyy. Can u go in game? I'd like to buy some items
  3. Thankyou so muchh, ive had all my pokes back right now ~ Myb need to repair it on the next updates, bcs someone had an experience like me before. Fortunately she has dive tools. Goodluck ^^~
  4. Thankyou, cant wait to hear further info from you..
  5. After doing mega stone quest at Hoenn (Swampertite, Blazikenite, etc) , i was kicked out from spiritomb area and came back to Cursed Keystone Grotto at deepsea cave, but my party was gone. All of them. I can't escape from here, i dont have escape rope nor dive tools. My only escape are from my dive poke. How do i leave now ?? Can i get my poke back? Or get teleported to the last visited pc (at Sootopolis)? Can admin please help me? Thanku (Gold Server)
  6. After doing mega stone quest, i was kicked out from spiritomb area and came back to Cursed Keystone Grotto at deepsea cave, but my party was gone. All of them. I can't escape from here, dont hv escape rope nor dive tools. My only escape are from my dive poke. How do i leave now ?? Can admin help me, pls? (Gold server)
  7. Yep, its resolved. Thank you so much for your help !
  8. Dear PRO admin, i got disconnected when still considering to choose between vampire outfit or mount from mayor gorge, and the mayor already gone after i'm loging in again. I check my bag, and there is nothing either the mount or costume. Please solve this, if i can choose again, i want my costume... Thankyou (Gold server)
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