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  1. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 22/09/17 - Letrix/Prof. Rowan added - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>Maribelle's Delphowx now have Sunny, psychic, future sight and fire blast</t>
  2. IGN : Argurion Answer 1 : Azelf Answer 2 : The triforce from Zelda
  3. Hi so everything is in the title, I think it would be awesome if the server had an auction house to sell pokémons, it would be so much easier for ppl looking for something particular. The way I see it to find what you're looking for there would be some filter to choose like the type( normal, fight ghost, ...) , the nature( calm, modest, adamant, ...) and the IV ( 1->31) for example to find what you're really looking for. You could also directly type the name of the pokemon to find this one in particular.
  4. Hi everyone so I just leveled up a cleffa lvl 99, evolved him into a cleferairy right away, then used a moon stone and used a rare candy so he could reach lvl 100 and then wanted to put him all his moves. The problem is the actual move relearner only relearn the moves of the actual state and not older ones ... And just like that a clefable can't learn moonblast ... Which is just stupid because that's the whole point of a move relearner ... So the improvment should be that move relearner can learn moves from an older state to avoid problems like these ... or to put move learner like thunder wave in sylph's building in saffron but with moon blast or wild charge and other moves like that ... ( BTW Gardevoir should be able to learn moonblast but not in the game ... )
  5. Hi everyone, so yesterday I leveled up my shinx lvl 100 ( and evolved him into a luxray ). I wanted to go to relearn him wild charge and got so disapointed when I saw he couldn't learn it by leveling up ( which by the way he does normally) Then I checked and there were no HM or TM or move tutor to learn it and I got so mad because luxray without wild charge is just worthless. So I was saying to myself ok it's not in the game then ... And just about 5 minutes from now, I've been fighting the pumpkin king and his rattata used Wild charge ... So just one thing ... " W T F " ?
  6. Still no sign of wild charge too ...
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