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About Pokedexxter

  • Birthday 02/27/1990

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  1. You realize you don't have to be rude about it? I am simply stating a fact that I don't think my party should be wiped out from one little lvl 2 rattata. I enjoy this game, I just pointed out something that may need to be adjusted.
  2. Im glad Im not the only one! It is just very frustrating to deal with lol. I really hope they fix that soon as well!
  3. Im pretty sure a lvl 2 rattata shouldnt be able to knock out two of my pokemon in two hits each! i feel like Im using potions left and right and spending most of my time in the pokemon centers haha! does any one know if this is something they are working on to get a more even balance on levels versus attack powers and such? Thanks much! -Pokedexxter
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