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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. *grabby hands* GIMMEEE. I've been dying to get a new DS, my left thumbstick is starting to fall off from my 3DS XL q____q
  2. There's just no point for players to chat in person. There's no incentive. The overworld is pretty, but all questions can be answered in all-chat or 'help' channels.
  3. Re: Finally Beat The Kanto Elite Four! [Video] <t>Niiiice job. I was wiping the floor with them until I got to Agatha. That's the biggest benefit of Sucker Punch; that priority is OP!</t>
  4. See my posts on last few pages in this thread about how XP works: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18683&start=90 Short version is that Xp is proportional to the first base XP yield listed on Bulbapedia. So Magnemite is 89, Magneton is 161 and Magnezone is 211. Magneton takes 1.81x more XP and Magnezone takes 2.37x more XP to level compared to Magnemite. On the plus side, if you teach a magikarp bounce and EV train it, you can level it to 99 really fast because its base XP yield is only 20. Don't get me wrong, I understand the premise now. I'm just disappointed with it. :Sleeping:
  5. I've honestly in 50 hours only seen two people speak in Local chat and it's pretty disappointing. I support this. I'd like to socialize with other people as well, but at the current state, it's futile unless you're in a closely knit guild.
  6. Was that only Easter Day? Because if it was, f**k me for being an adult and having a job.
  7. Update: I've just begun to level a Magnemite and it's taken me half as much time to level it to 70 as it took me to level any other full-evolved pokemon even to 60. It's kind of silly. Ash was really just a genius and a trend-setter by not evolving his Pokemon. :confused:
  8. You're a funny fellow. :y:
  9. *double post accident*
  10. Thank you all for your continued support in this thread. The reason I am not particularly invested in the idea of dungeons is that they are a long term fix and would require many hours of thought, planning, and development for the small amount of staff available. I understand that "bandaid" patches are very short-lived, but it's essentially what I'm suggesting; that just a few higher level floors be added in different locations to make the grind from 45-70 not as time-consuming and damaging to EVs (looking at you, Geodude). It also gives reason to go back to prior locations one would not necessarily want to ever go back to.
  11. Re: ☠ Necromancers ☠ Guild [ Is looking for new souls ] <r>Application<br/> <br/> - IGN: Gehrman<br/> <br/> - Hours played: 40<br/> <br/> -reason to join: I may not have as many hours as the minimum requirement, but I am highly interested in the theme of the guild, as it matches my personal aesthetic. If you'd like to question me further, feel free to do so.<br/> <br/> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:y:</E> <br/> <br/> <br/> Members<br/> <br/> [ 47 / 50 ]</r>
  12. I had no intention of belittling you, sorry if it appeared that way. There's no reason to get defensive; we're having a discussion for the betterment of this game. I care about the game as much as the next guy, and have donated my fair share already. I made it a poll for a reason. Thank you for sharing your opinion. :y:
  13. Oh you didn't know? We're all orphans and Pallet Mom is a wonderful woman who adopted all of us with the funding help of Professor Oak.
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