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  1. I might have one if u dont get one by the tome i get home. Itll be around 12am est
  2. Ill throw 80k and ms at the larvitar and same offer at the bagon. Ign is dominus21 let me know on here or in game if i get out bidded
  3. IGN: Dominus21 Hours Played: 50'ish Activity: everyday , during the week mainly from 12am est - 5/7am est, weekends most days and nights Badges: 8 Favorite Pokemon: Mewtoo, gen1 player and he was flippin awesome
  4. IN GAME NAME:Dominus21 HOURS PLAYED:i believe im at 47 or higher now BADGES:8 ABOUT YOURSELF:25 work in a factory 2nd shift, so usual times for me playing are 12am-6/7am est during the week and most of the day on the weekends WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON?Gengar cause that was my first traded evolution i ever got in gen1
  5. Re: Brotherhood's Big Shop.!! Epic Gyara added <t>im online now my ign is dominus21</t>
  6. Re: Brotherhood's Big Shop.!! Epic Gyara added <t>Ill buy that togepi and 3rd machamp (31 att n. 31 speed) Ill be on tonight around 12am est or add me ingame</t>
  7. Re: Some good pokes for sale <t>lmk how much u want for that jolteon</t>
  8. Re: Eevee awesome IV's how much would you pay? <t>i would pay 120</t>
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