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About Kayte

  • Birthday 01/24/1996

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Cheater cheater pumpkin eater! Nice art though. :Heart:
  2. real umbreons have curves
  3. But but, wouldn't your Eevee have to die to become a Ghost-Type? #EeveeLivesMatter You know that'd make a very interesting yet morbid way to evolve it. Having to let it faint in a certain area or something similar.
  4. I've seen those fakemon around before, out of those I really love the poison one. It looks elegant and deadly <3 I've actually heard rumors of a dragon type being added. The hype is real! There is but you can't evolve into it. I've heard there a place you can headbutt to get it but its rare. Definitely glaceon! Vaporeon has low defense and glaceon would make the best work of that perfect defense iv and nature, while packing a huge punch with sp attack. Edit: Actually I've changed my mind and I'll be going for umbreon! It seems more popular and fares better in pvp. I don't think I can pass up this opportunity for such a great waller.
  5. I think he means a board in the forum for sharing/talking about music? I think it could be nice!
  6. Eevees are probably the most versatile of evolution lines, for good reason! They're always adding more types it can evolve into, and not only that, can you really deny how cute they are? I'm excited for the possibility of new eevee types in sun/moon. Maybe dragon type? Steel? Poison? So, lets talk eevees! Whats your favorite eeveelution, or are you a fan of the original? What type of eeveelution are you looking forward to? Do you have any prized eevees or evolutions of your own? Show them off! I just caught this one myself and it made me pretty excited. It's got some pretty great ivs! It'd be perfect for a glaceon whenever icy rock is added to the game.(I sure hope they plan on adding it!) It could make for a pretty epic tanky umbreon as well. [glow=#FFE030]Edit: After a bit of reasearch, I think I'm actually gonna go with umbreon! It seems to fare better in pvp since ice is weak to pretty much everything. Gonna be a killer tank![/glow] My favorites would probably have to be either Jolteon or Sylveon. Jolteon is a classic, but Sylveon was an adorably great addition, truly worthy of being called a slayer of dragons.
  7. I'm actually going with mudkip! No real gameplay reason behind it, just my favorite line of the three. I guess you could say.. You herd I liek mudkips. :Crazy:
  8. I've definitely been doing that, I was just hoping to try adjusting some of my work to the site's style. :) The sprite on the left in my signature is one of the things I've done myself, as well as my icon. I was just very excited and wanted to see if I could pixel up some outfit ideas I had.
  9. It was great chatting! Now back to the game it is for me! :Heart-eyes:
  10. I dream to make a career out of my skill and passion for art someday, for one! Secondly.. I want to go to more conventions and cosplay! I lack the money for that one currently.
  11. Considering all it can do is splash around, I think you'll be fine (; I'm scare i gonna kill it in one hit I'd just give it an ultra ball to the face imo. That or get a pokemon with false swipe. False swipe will never ko a pokemon but will leave it with one hp.
  12. Lets hope it doesn't turn into one of those "the one that got away" stories lol! Good luck! :Smile: If so, i gonna quit Haha well karp doesn't have teleport so no worries there! At least ya aren't shiny abra hunting.
  13. Welcome! I'm on the red server myself but I wish you luck on your journey! Theres a great community here from what I can see. You're not the only one who's waited for a game like this! There have been many pokemon games but this one really takes the cake. :Smile:
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