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Everything posted by Bigbrainafk

  1. My reason: https://puu.sh/qmj4I/f55852e873.png
  2. Go here: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=181442093464551424&scope=bot&permissions=125954 Select the server you want him on (you need the rights to create a role on that server). And have fun. If you want further help add me in Discord: BigBrainAFK#6465
  3. I hope we will meet somewhere else again. Goodbye and thanks for all the thinks you have done.
  4. you're wrong sir. and it is this way cause we cant get it better atm so ya just roll with it.
  5. how about uhm prepaid credit cards. i use those too cause in Germany its very unpopular to have a credit card.
  6. PayPal doesnt only take credit cards lol
  7. Re: (PVP) Shop | God Dragonite and Epic Pokemons ! <t>k 500k the gengar<br/> <br/> just as a tip: it would help if you would give a minimum offer price for each poke instead of saying "offer to low" all the time.</t>
  8. Re: (PVP) Shop | God Dragonite and Epic Pokemons ! <t>100k the gengar</t>
  9. Do you even know how to use Linux? Linux is not an Os you can pick up and start using like Windows.... Linux way harder to use in everyday usage. None the less did you try the sudo command on the file?
  10. When you buy something you can return it and get your money back if its well with the return policy... oh wait pro doesn't have a return policy hm.... I wonder why...
  11. you donate for the coins that you also get out of appreciation and with those coins you buy the exp boost. I think you never actually bought something ingame.
  12. The fact is you never bought something like in a reallife shop or something you just get something in return because the devs appreciate that you have donated to them. They could take your membership away whenever they want as its not bought but given to you out of appreciation.
  13. i dont have a bike and still can go to route 16 and 17. in fact i only have shop mounts
  14. Do you have Anti-Virus running that maybe blocks the download? Something Like Norton, Avira, Avast or something like that?
  15. did you every try downloading it with a different browser?
  16. https://project-sato.net/prolinks.html There are some Mirrors at the bottom because some users already had problems.
  17. hm yahoo worked fine for me
  18. Try making a new account with a new email address thats from another email provider
  19. Try making a new account with a new email address thats from another email provider
  20. yes atm it looks like there are things that have a higher priority.
  21. Saitama
  22. Lol how do you know that... you dont know what they are paying atm and as its beta the software isnt as efficient as it should be. Second is this isnt Blizzard or some other million dollar company having loads of devs working on a good server software that runs hundreds or thousands of slots on budget pcs... this are 2 guys making this as a hobby and they started without great programming knowledge. P.S.: If you dont like that there will be no MS benefit for reserved slots then dont play PRO ;)
  23. lol are you like not familiar with saving money for an outage of payments? if they spend 9k a month on servers and then the paymenst stop well they get rekt by their banks and stuff.
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