Hello, Good day! I would like just to inform you about the lending bug, yesterday I borrow/lend my poke to some player (I forgot its name XD) for exchange of a poke dollar. It seems suspicious at first because when we start trade/lend he were too slow to accept and I keep spamming the accept button for lend for about 5 times I think. (Yes, I'm 100% sure It is a Lend not a Trade. I've double checked it before pressing accept button.) so there I lend it for 3 hrs then 10 hrs had passed, dang! It was stolen, my precious gyara has gone to different dimension. XD So I was making this thread in order for the Developers/Moderators to be aware on this type of case and I was thinking if it was not a bug maybe its a 3rd Party application or maybe a script that they used. So thats all! Gotta farm back what I had lost :p
PS: I have no evidence to support my claims. Because I'm unaware of it and it's too late. XD
PSS: I have no screenshot/info either of my gyara. xo xad.