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  1. Ah okay my bad. Thanks for the reply I hope it gets implemented soon :)
  2. IN GAME NAME: Aceuuuuuuu HOURS PLAYED: 73 hours and counting BADGES: 16, I'm currently training for the johto e4 ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm 20 years old, currently in university in Australia and using PRO to procrastinate. I was a huge pokemon lover when I was younger and I recently saw this game and it has re-ignited my love for pokemon. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE POKEMON?: Hm, that is a hard question but I would have to stay Starmie because I loved the way it looked in pokemon blue/red and have loved it ever since.
  3. Hi there, First up I would just like to say sorry if this has already been mentioned but after a quick search I didn't see anything. A small suggestion that I would like to make is for the option to rebattle trainers or not. I dislike how trainers will automatically challenge you after 7 days. I think a better system is if the trainer will battle you if you talk to them instead of them aggro-ing you. It means I constantly have to clear out all the areas after 7 days against pokemon that are severely underleveled and give me no exp or money. Thanks for listening to my suggestion
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