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  1. still appear, just the % is little better than others rare Pokemon. I only able to meet 2 - 4 abra per hour there.
  2. Just willing to know that which pokemon hidden ability can sell more $$. Last week saw 1 fella sell its Gyarados with Hiden ability but not good EV, sell for hundreds k.
  3. Abra Ability : Magic Guard Atk 06 Def 02 Spd 31 SAtk 07 Sdef 03 HP 06 ___________________________________ is this abra worth many $$ because of its hidden ability?? if a magnemite with analytic ability, will its worth more $$?
  4. Abra is extincted in route 24 and route 25, the link is needed to update.
  5. a lot of guide regarding to ur question. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=3766
  6. Having same problem with me? normally 20++ tries will log in, even in 850 total or players... now I tried more than 30 times. A good news of the improvement is, now max players available in the server is 1400. Sad news is, still log in fail because of "The Server is currently full". Who agree with me?
  7. As a Player for this game, we already get used to this type of can't log in situation. :-)
  8. i think beating the others players would be more interesting than beating the story, especially beating similar level or higher level Pokemon players, don't you?
  9. Guys, What's the 5 best Pokemons (in Kanto) that you would suggest to normal player?
  10. there are a lot of post that regarding to the EV training guide n location. For me, once u defeat a Pokemon, u will receive that Pokemon EV. which Pokemon give u which EV, u can refer here https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_effort_value_yield there is a limit for the EV value, so better get a plan in which Pokemon you gonna to fight with or not to fight with. Eg. For the Pokemon you wish to boost its Attack, just defeat the Pokemon that provide Atk EV, when meet others Pokemon, dun swap the Pokemon, just run.
  11. 1. Is there an item to reduce/reset a pokemon's EV? Yes, a lot of berries that can reduce EV and u r able to get it in the game later on. 2. Is the story the same as it is in the games? Not all. some r same. 3. What generation pokemon are available to catch? (Tried looking for a list but could not find one.) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=5249 (by miles) he made a list, u can refer to that list or below https://pokemonrevolutiononlineguide.jimdo.com/ (by matzeus) 4. How does trading work in this game? right click player, trade, requirement: 4th badge. Pokemon n $$, if wanna trade item, let pokemon hold it to trade.
  12. daily got to spend a lot of time trying to logging in successfully. while I spam log in, will visit forum for news n guide. Daily log in frequency: (within ... ) 5 times : Damn lucky (just like u meet the rare pokemon) 20 times : Lucky 50 times : Just like u meet rattata 99 times : Bad luck, sometimes will re-download the file from site.
  13. fight other pokemon/trainer, collect items/good pokemons and sell them, buy membership to get a 50% bonus on pokedollar after every fight now stuck on 75k for bike ... feeling pain from bone, I have less than 5k now... edit: best place to farm money is dragons den so far where is the dragons?
  14. Is that anyway we can do to earn player money faster?
  15. too bad that we can't catch it. But there is lot of good Pokemons in seafoam B4F.
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