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  1. Still available? Will offer 150k
  2. Finally showed back up at celadon, no need anymore. Can close, THanks!
  3. Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide (Added Giga Drain Tutor) <t>Nah I checked both lists, even goldenrod. Other players in my guild checked for it as well. None of us had it for sale. Multiple players on the server(blue) that were able to previously buy it said it was missing as well. Not sure what's up with that.</t>
  4. Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide (Added Giga Drain Tutor) <t>Hmm, not there for me. Is there a pre-req possibly or something?</t>
  5. Willing to buy a will-o-wisp TM, 100k to first taker! Thanks.
  6. Yea how would that work Mr. Mod? Which am I held to atm? ;P
  7. PRO Username: Sweggins Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Had accidently defriended a friend, was attempting to add him as a friend again. Obviously received the system error as to why I wouldn't add him, decided to try to relog really quick to see if that sped up the process, ended up not being able to log in for well over 30 mins now and my char is somehow still logged into the game. Even went on an alternate account and have been able to send myself friend invitations. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! What have you already tried to solve the problem? Have tried logging into red server, which was successful. Description and Message
  8. 1,750,000pokedollhair
  9. 750k, 500k is for chumps.
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