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Everything posted by R3dvins

  1. latios obviously
  2. rello come cristo fai a scrivere 16 messaggi in nemmeno un giorno
  3. Ti ringrazio Fran, ci vediamo presto nel gioco allora ;)
  4. Benvenuto a te Emeriss
  5. Welcome bro
  6. Welcome Bro :Exclam:
  7. Ciao german, benvenuto anche a te!
  8. Benvenuto Syrio
  9. Welcome bro!
  10. welcome bro
  11. Waiting for Crow, Chris and ??? lol
  12. thank you all, guys! P.S. Emperior già che sto ti rispondo in italiano, apparte i miei amici sei l'unico italiano che ho trovato qua finora ahahaha
  13. Perfect, welcome in our Guild, Goldrake ! And ty Serena !
  14. Thanks Everybody !
  15. </U></B> • ABOUT US • <i></i> The Seven Deadly sins is an Italian guild founded by seven friends, who met on the web, with the common passion of Pokémon. We discovered this game few weeks ago and then we decided to create a guild for enjoy together the game. We started to play Pokémon in our childhood and since that moment we continued playing Pokémon. We had great experiences in every game and for this reason we know well all the Pokémon's universe. Among other, some of our members know battling and we are within since three/four years. • REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN • <i></i> There are no specific requirements to join this team, only basic knowledge about Pokémon world. Obviously you must try to join the chat in game when you connect to play. • CHAT • As I said earlier, we'll use the chat in game. We'll also create aspecific xat for the team. <B><U>• MEMBERS • <i></i> That's all guys, and remember our motto: "A real sin can't be erased, no matter what you do."
  16. Hello everybody, I'm enjoying the game by two weeks but I forgot the presentation lol. Anyway, i'm an italian player, i choose this nickname because Red is my nick on the "internet" (lol) and vins is the abbreviation of my real name. That's all, see you guys!
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