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  1. It was dark by the time I realized I was late getting home. I knew at that point I had to take a shortcut in order to be somewhat on time. The only option I had for a shortcut was through the nearby woods. Walking alone through the woods was never a good idea, but I felt confident I wouldn't be spending long in the woods. It was a clear night at least, with a bright sky that could help illuminate my path. While in the dark woods, I realized that there was a presence nearby me. I could feel my spine tingling, an eery feeling of being watched creeped through my body. My eyes darted back and forth as I looked around for someone. I spotted nothing nearby, but the feeling remained. Suddenly, I heard the snapping of twigs behind me. I quickly picked up my pace, looking back to see nothing again. My feet moved as fast as they could to get me away from whatever it was that I heard. The presence remained around me, the feeling that someone, or something, was following me, watching me. It took awhile, but finally I could see the light illuminating the edge of the forest. It was still a little ways ahead, but relief flooded through me to see the exit to these woods. That's when I felt the pressure on my back, the light trailing of fingers running from my neck down. It was so sharp, and sudden, I immediately stopped in tracks. Paralyzed with fear, I felt like there was nothing I could do. My breathing intensified, and became shallow. Slowly I turned around, face to face with a wild Haunter. Something was different though, the tongue was a different shade. It's eyes pierced through me, a cold sweat ran down my body. I realized I had no Pokemon with me to defend myself. Everything faded around me as I blacked out. I awoke in a cold sweat. Nightmares like that have haunted me ever since that fateful night. I will never walk alone in the woods again on a Friday the 13th...
  2. Hey, if you're still accepting new members I would like to join. Thanks!
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