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Posts posted by Atreck

  1. The area is on the seventh island in the Tanoby ruins.


    If you enter this ruin area.



    Then exit it.



    You end up in front of this ruin area which is actually to the right of the previous ruin area I showed.



    I'm unsure if this is intentional or not, so if it is intentional then well... sorry for the post :Nervous:

  2. So while I was running through some grass I decided I wanted to put a different pokemon first, and right when I did that I got into a battle and well... this is what happened




    Now when you actually use a move it will be a move of the pokemon that is out on the field. So for example if I were to use surf I would use thundershock because that is where it is at on my mareep.


    In order for this bug to take affect you have to switch pokemon a split second before battle, so basically you'd have to guess when you would enter battle.


    I don't think the bug is that big of a deal just thought I'd report it in.


    Also if this has already been reported and addressed I'm sorry for reposting the same bug

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