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  1. Offer is still open I have 300k budget to work with, budget can increase as I continue to make more. Make sure dragonite/dragonair/ or dratini are from Kanto. Do not want lvl 100 dragonair or dratini as I am looking to evolve them or buy last evol Dragonite.
  2. hey Abhilash, been trying to get ahold of you in game and add you, so I can check out the stats of your dragonair, to possibly buy it, accept my friend request or try adding me im online alot. my IGN is: Drzoidberg00
  3. Re: WTB (KANTO) Dragonite, good IVs, got 300k <t>down to buying dratini or dragonair as well, so long as its level is in the 90s+</t>
  4. Wanting to buy an everstone for 20K
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