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Everything posted by Jenny79

  1. But in gen 5 it don't have ability speed boost !!!
  2. Why stats atk Scolipde is 100, but in game is 90???
  3. i offer 100k for poliwag
  4. GMT + 7. I will online in 5:00 pm
  5. time out??
  6. i offer 200k
  7. i offer 200k
  8. Bump. BIest win, pm me in game :Grin:
  9. ok 10 hours left
  10. start bid: 1m insta: 2.5m time bid: 10 hours
  11. Re: Chili11: Full epic!! Omastar, Kabutops, Volcarona, Torterra. <t>i offer 1m5 for kabutops</t>
  12. I offer 1m5 for Dragonite :Grin:
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