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Everything posted by Gatso

  1. For the money we can ask payment before and yes always take screenshots, an other idea could be implement ev/lvl train option like lending
  2. yea would be nice some more infos when inspect
  3. yes i mean ev and level if the pokemon is untrained can be changed with the lending and return completed but the moveset still remain the same...
  4. Hello i get scammed almost 1 time per week since i ask everyday for level or ev trainings, as you know many niubs play the game and if they hold your pokemons or sell them away you need to wait the kindly mod help... To avoid this, save your time and the mods one i would suggest to modify the lend option: if you Train the lended pokemon when it come back to the owner the evs and level gained remain. So this could be a way to train pokemon in a safe way from others players, this meaning at the end a lot of work in less for mods. Thank you, share your opinion.
  5. I would suggest a rework for sevii islands , things, quest to do or pokemon spaws, i think after you complete the main quest left nothing to do, look like empty. Please share your opinion and suggest something
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