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About Heretic

  • Birthday 06/27/1996

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  1. Whats your favorite pokemon, and why are they your favorite? Mine is charizard, because.. fire breathing dragon.. like.. hell? :Grin: :Angel:
  2. fb;wiogb'wobfew i posted wrong rip
  3. thank you all! :D im happy to be back!
  4. I use to play all the time.. then i took my leave but im back now ^.^ i would love some friends in game! please add me! ( i play on red server because my favorite color is red.. >.> ) my in game name is heretic :D
  5. oh yeah i just beat the second gym.. the wilds are a little bit of a struggle.. lol so i understand. are the E4 hard also? or did it get easier? personally I did not fight e4 much of a challenge compared to kanto, after all you have access to all your pokemon including kanto pokes. Just make sure you use relevant guides so that you have an easier time taking out the e4. I never had that resource but I didn't feel I needed it. Training once you get access to dd is pretty good, people have told be Cerulean is better but I haven't gotten that far yet. alright well.. thank you for the help.. i guess im going to just train a bunch. :)
  6. oh yeah i just beat the second gym.. the wilds are a little bit of a struggle.. lol so i understand. are the E4 hard also? or did it get easier?
  7. so i recently got to joto.. and i find its a little bit more challenging then kanto.. does anyone else feel this way? or is it just me? also; any suggestions on why it might be harder :Shy: :Grin: :Angel:
  8. welcome! It's an amazing game with an amazing team! <3
  9. thank you earwing. :)
  10. hia! :3 im cece.. erhm.. cookie.. and im new to the boards o: so yeah hia people. i like kfc, and pie. im a supernatural lover. and i love pokemanz c: :D so yeah.
  11. same. i feel your pain
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