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  1. Pro= pokemon revolution online ;/
  2. Yes, i know what you talking about, i have seen it once. but the scheduled reboots doesn't have pop up though, or is it just me never seen one. My suggestion is make it more obvious and appropriate if possible, , and thanks again for the very nice game. :Grin:
  3. I know, i mean "pop up". In the chat log the message will always be miss if people's talking replace it rapidly. or you can even add a sound effect like a friend login. and now the problem is some people think the scheduled reboots are the server crash, you see the problem? no? go check the forum.
  4. Could it possibly pop up a message 5 mins or 10 mins before the server reboot? If it is possible it would help quite a lot, and thanks for the good game, have a nice day. :Grin: Also this could stop the whirling on forum every time the server reboot a little bit.
  5. check your version :Light: I'm new to this game as I haven't been able to log in once yet, so I'm sorry, but idk where to check that or where to update my version. redownload the game del the old file.
  6. Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood SAO
  7. Re: dying after you win= lost? <t>If your opponent out of pokemon you count as a win, but you don't get any exp because no one left on the field.</t>
  8. check your version :Light:
  9. PRO Username: firejolly Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? click link activate in my email What have you already tried to solve the problem? contact with system administrator
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