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About Ehre

  • Birthday 05/02/2001

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  1. I would like to see the gligar!
  2. Hey, I am looking for Shiny and Event-Pokemon! Just offer what you have, I am interested in getting some new additions to my collection.
  3. bumpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibump
  4. bump :c
  5. Bump!
  6. BUMP!
  7. BUMP
  8. Hey guys, I want to sell this epic/godly, shiny and pvp-ready Quagsire! Start offer: 800k Minimum raise per bid: 50k Auction ends on 24hours after first bid. Good luck and have fun, everybody!
  9. BUMP! :p
  10. BUMP! :)
  11. Hey guys, I want to sell this epic and pvp-ready Togekiss! Start offer: 500k Insta buy: 1.5m Minimum raise per bid: 50k Auction ends on 30th September, 2019 at 6pm CET=(UTC+1)
  12. I am still looking for a shiny shuppet or banette! just hit me up!
  13. BUMP! Still looking for one! :)
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