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About Vincn

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  1. Hello, As the title says, I wanted to suggest giving every creation event participant that did something a small reward in case they dont win. When browsing all the awesome looking art people did for the halloween event. It struck me how everyone had to spend so much time on doing something and at the end... They got just an indirect thank you. I am sure those people spent hours working on it (I am talking about people who did a complete picture). And I am also talking about the ongoing story contest. My suggestion is to give everyone who participated with something (something that looks like a picture to evade trolls or opportunists) a small reward. No big deal, just a better form of thank than just a cold shoulder. Perhaps a halloween box, or a small exclusive in-game item made for participants. Again, it doesnt have to be anything big. + It is a nice form of thanks to everyone who decided to invest time into your contest. + It could also boost the motivation of players and increase participation since everyone gets something. - Maybe trolls and opportunists, but that should be on the mods to look out for i guess. Thank you for your time and for reading my suggestion :)
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