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  1. 800k
  2. 600k
  3. bump 25 hours left
  4. 400k
  5. bump 51 hours left !
  6. 5.500.000 by Hanine
  7. https://www.chronometre-en-ligne.com/compte-a-rebours.html
  8. Hello and welcome to this auction of this 31/31 Weavile! - ACCEPTED CURRENCIES - Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 700k Nature Reroll - 350k Coin Capsule - 390k - CONTACT - IGN - Scald / Substitute Discord - rqvk#0003 - RULES - 1 - Auction ends 72 hours after the first bid (GMT+2) . 2 - The start is 4m . 3 - The minimum bid is 250k . 4 - Insta price : 10m
  9. 3m lvl 40
  10. 2m level 40
  11. 400k the second
  12. i guess i probably win this, i bid a bit late like 2 or 3min later, let me know about the decision ! good luck so
  13. 2.200.000
  14. Sold 4cc (1m5) by whitt
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