I recently experienced a bug with one of the hard bosses Chuck in safron.
During a fight versus the hard boss Chuck, his Machamp hit me with Dynamic punch. I am already aware that Machamp's ability "No Guard"
After removing no guard with Worryseed, his Dynamic punches seemed to work a lot differently, where the confusion would appear several rounds after the initial hit of Dynamic punch.
In this case, I was aware that my pokemon had been struck previously with dynamic punch however the confusion wouldn't appear on my pokemon's status as it normally would. My Furret continued to use its moves as if it wasn't confused. Once I reached the state where my Furret had maxed its stats with the attack Coil, Agility and Amnesia I used Batton Pass into my Haxorus. His Machamp missed its attacks against my Haxorus but my Haxorus appeared as if it was confused.
This made my Haxorus hurt itself without taking a hit from Dynamic punch.
This obviously led to me losing the rather easy battle against Chuck and missing my shot at beating him.
I would like it if someone can take a look at this and fix this potential bug, as this is a sad way to lose.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to create any footage, as I had no idea that this could even happen.
Best regards
- Lauda