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About Skyballer

  • Birthday 03/14/1995

Personal Information

  • Career
    I make good money
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  • Occupation
    I make good money

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  1. I am looking for a good iv Bagon. It doesn't have to be phenomenal. But nothing terrible please.... :thanks:
  2. Make sure that you interact with every crate from every possible side, there are like 12 pokemons in there; you'll get a warning when you've found all of them Thank you mate, appreciate the help! It worked :y:
  3. PRO Username: Skyballer Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I have checked all the boxes multiple times due to server lag. It say's I need to assuredly have found all the kidnapped pokemon or something along those lines. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried relogging and checking all the boxes after that and it still didn't work. I tried getting caught by both the trainers and checking the boxes again and it didn't work either. Description and Message I did get caught by the first trainer when finding marill in the first box, so I am unsure if it registered that I found that poke. But it won't let me search it again if so.
  4. how much for the epic eevee?
  5. With decent/good iv's and nature that doesn't ruin iv's. Respond here please
  6. Trade complete
  7. adamant/shed skin with good iv's, message me on here or in-game!
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