Yeah, the same results happen each time resulting in a loss of rare candy or a firestone as well if I don’t take it off the growlithe after evolving it. At first, I tried normally levelling (by killing a monster) from 94>95 having the fire stone equipped. After levelling, it would prompt me if I wanted to evolve it to arcanine and I would say yes. After the evolution, the growlithe would remain a growlithe with a firestone at level 95. The exp on the Pokémon wouldn’t change like it normally does when a Pokémon evolves, thus showing that it didn’t evolve properly. I would then take off the firestone, and the graphic would show that it would become an arcanine, but when I relog it would turn back into a growlithe. The same thing happens when I rare candy the growlithe from 95>96. If possible, it would be easier to explain over discord soon. I also have a video recorded of this process as I attempted it multiple times just to see if it would evolve.