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Everything posted by Xlkatolx

  1. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="happymoonwolf"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i67.tinypic.com/2a93ajl.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> done let me know when you can pay <E>:thanks:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> i always can pay :)</r>
  2. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <t>happymoowolfu working on palkia what i asked for ?</t>
  3. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <t>yeah my name xlKATOlx should be thgere too</t>
  4. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <t>yeah a palkia with thunder in the backround and stuuf would be good in Purpble will pay for it</t>
  5. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r>i would like to have one with palkia what would be the price ? <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
  6. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <t>why cant i post there</t>
  7. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <t>some one knows where are they going after u defeat 1 ? cuz u can fight jassie and u can fight james but after 1 they get throw away</t>
  8. Re: Catch Celebi - The Chrono Traveler [Celebi Quest Part 1+2+3+Final)] <t>is here sone one on blue server where would ssell his Elekid i dont care if trash i pay well</t>
  9. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>is someone at the blue server and sell elekid?</t>
  10. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <t>itz a good guid but need a update there is no swablu on route 45 anymore or is it a hidden cuz the ? all seen there is buizel the only one with membership</t>
  11. PRO Username: xlKATOlx Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? was take my dogs out for 2 mins told my friend to walk for me that im aint cut out of the server after i came back mapplle asked if i was there i told him yes 20 mins later i been banned :( What have you already tried to solve the problem? yes but no one dose my Discipline Appeals itz now over 18 hours Description and Message would some admin plz reopen my account plz i really want to play still i spend over 30 bucks in here over 260 hours plz tyvm and for itz weekend now plz
  12. hi guys i want pay only for the pokedex entry for elekid i have owned a good price 10k for only the pokedex entry would be nice if i cant find a guy who have it that way thanks :Shy:
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