I'm not sure if I am writing this is the right forum, and I am sorry if I am, but ever since my family dinner I have not beed able to log into my account on blue server. It is weird because I hadn't done real much before and suddenly I was;t able to go onto my account. Basically, after dinner I went to go onto my Pokemon account and it said "user already logged in." I have used this account on other devices, but I don't think that it affects this. As well, my friend who no longer plays on this game gave me his account password and I was able to login in. As well, I checked my name on his account and it said I was offline. This by then verified that I was not online. Also, I checked on the "accounts" tab on the official Pokemon revolution website and it said I was not banned. Can someone please help? Ive tried everything from re-setting my password to trying to log in several times at once.