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About 420sickboy

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420sickboy's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: WTB Natu/Xatu or any poke with Sync./Bold,Impish,Careful,Jolly,Timid and Modest <t>have already all so closed .....</t>
  2. Make me an offer. And i dont want an epic :D And w8 for my answer. Synchronize with Bold or Careful, Jolly, Impish, Timid, Modest. Thanks
  3. Re: scyther adamant tech offer now 1day <t>150k offer</t>
  4. Re: wts epic adam talonflame gale wings bo is 300k !! <t>400k offer</t>
  5. Re: Amazing pvp pokemons lvl 100 and low lvl's (with insta prices!) <t>350k sicor tech and ada</t>
  6. 3rd shuppet 100k
  7. i can come only tomorrow sorry...
  8. Re: WTS/WTT Epic Gengar Trained <t>250k offer</t>
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