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  1. When I try to log in to the game on the Blue server i get a message saying "The server is currently locked". Is there something going on?
  2. Best Corsola you have ever seen! Serious offers only please! Blue Server.
  3. Look at this guy being a business owner and stuff LOL!
  4. Does anyone know if TM81 X-Scissor is in this game? If so where is it located? I know pokemon can learn the move who are able to on their own, but i want to teach it to my sneasel.
  5. Im on the johto side and i want to train my pokemon from level 60 to 70. I am in Mahogany town and have not attempted the gym leader yet. Every area around mahogany town is level 15-20 wild pokemon.
  6. I need a for sure number lol!!! even 12 hours is to long!!!
  7. I breezed through the elite four and then I lost to gary because i didnt have enough revives when i got to him and had to fight him with 3 pokemon. Now i cant just go back and destroy it right away... Whats the cooldown for fighting them again???
  8. Ok thank you!
  9. I want to use a sneasel in Kanto and was told i can not buy one from somone and use it. Is this true?
  10. Looking to Buy a Ghastly or Haunter with SPATK 30-31 and Speed 28-31. Ive been farming for 2 days and cant get anything even close, will pay decent for this!!!
  11. Yes i am new to the game, I noticed the crashes and just haven't experienced one this long yet. Thanks for the reply, i appreciate it.
  12. Does anyone have any information as to why the servers are offline?
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